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Tu lumen, tu splendor patris,

Tu spes perennis omnium.

Yet this same hymnHymne contains some antithetic statement in the invocation ante principium natus). The following verses of PrudentiusPrudentius23 are antithetic, but lacking in paradoxes:

Tu lux vera oculis, lux quoque sensibus,

Intus tu speculum, tu speculum foris …

A typical example of a hymnHymne with paradoxical antitheses occurs in Ausionius’Ausonius Ephemeris, where the eulogy has the pattern of a series of relative clauses:24

… generatus in illo

tempore quo tempus nondum fuit …

quo sine nil actum, per quem facta omnia …

The best specimen for our purpose is offered by ‘Laus Christi’ attributed to Claudianus.25 Here, the first part of a long eulogy is composed in relative clauses, the second with tu anaphorasAnaphertu-Anapher. The first part contains almost nothing but antitheticAntithese formulas; the most striking ones appear in italics:

Proles vera Dei cunctisque antiquior annis,

Nunc genitus qui semper eras, lucisque repertor
