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Tenth stanza: the background of v. 55ff. is, of course, Is. 11, 1ff., one of the basic passages of Biblical figuralism.47 Cf. above, p. 131/132.

Eleventh stanzaStanze: Christ as fons vitae refers to Ps. 35, 10; Mary’s part as mediatress has been expressed innumerable times by images such as fontis vitae cisterna;48 caritascaritas and castitascastitas are among her principal virtues (cf. note 45); Christ as lumen summae claritatis refers to several Biblical passages, the most important of which is the vision of St. Paul, Acta Apost. 22, 11.

Twelfth stanzaStanze: salutis nostrae porta refers again to the gate of Ezek. 44, 2 (cf. p. 132); this gate was interpreted as a figure of the Virgin: et ante partum incorrupta, et post partum mansit illaesa.49 It occurs in a hymn as early as Venantius FortunatusVenantius Fortunatus:

Tu regis alti ianua

et porta lucis fulgida.50

Adam is the great master of the eulogies composed of series of figures; there are many which, like our text, use the tu anaphoraAnaphertu-Anapher, such as ‘Salve mater salvatoris’51 or the sequence addressed to the Holy Spirit ‘Qui procedit ab utroque …’52 But some of the most characteristic eulogies are composed in other forms, e. g. the sequence ‘In Resurrectione Domini’ (‘Zyma vetus expurgetur …’)53 where, as in our text, the method is explained:
