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The comparison between Mary and the earth (‘virgin soil’) is traditional;62 the words non patet spes per alium refer to passages such as MatthMatthäus (Evangelist). 11, 3 or Luke 7, 19.

Eighth stanza: Mary has been identified above (p. 16) as lectus Salomonis; the rex Aquilonis is probably the king of Babylon (Is. 14, 13) as a figure of the devil or of King Herod.

Ninth stanza: for vellus Gedeonis, see p. 133.

Tenth stanzaStanze: Ager plenus refers to Gen. 27, 27: ecce odor filii mei sicut odor agri pleni, cui benedixit dominus; det tibi Deus de rore caeli … For the explanation of Jacob in this passage as figure of Christ, cf. Rabanus MaurusRabanus Maurus,63 or any other mediaeval commentator on Genesis. In our passage, the ager plenus is, of course, the Virgin.

Eleventh stanza: the exsul vetus is Adam, or fallen mankind; his stola prima refers to the parable of the Prodigal Son (LukeLukas (Evangelist) 15, 11ff.), where the father says: Cito proferte stolam primam, et induite ilium. There is also an allusion to Apoc. 7, 14.
