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Yet there is a limit to DanteDante’s attempt to carry the reader along with him on the journey: the reader of the poem never becomes an actual companion of the journey. DanteDante alone, among the living, has been in Hell, in Purgatory, and in Heaven. One passage, an address to the reader, may seem to cast doubt on his claim. It is the most sublime of all, the beginning of Par. II, 1–15: O voi che siete in piccioletta barca … It is extremely tempting to interpret this apostropheApostrophe as addressed not to readers of a book, but to actual followers on a journey. If one isolates these fifteen verses from the remainder of the poem, such an interpretation would not be difficult. It would imply the explanation of qui (vs. 11–12: … al pan de li angeli, del quale / vivesi qui ma non sen vien satollo) not as ‘here on earth’, but as ‘here in heaven’. That makes sense since many authoritative texts, from AugustineAugustinus to Peter DamianiPetrus Damiani and Richard of St. VictorRichard v. St. Victor,21 describe the beatitude of the blessed as an insatiabilis satietas, where the celestial manna is given ad plenitudinem, sed numquam ad satietatem. One could even go on to demonstrate that only in Heaven one lives really on the bread of Divine Wisdom which is per se vivcativus …22 Yet all this would be misleading. The traditional explanation of qui as ‘here on earth’ is correct; DanteDante’s readers are summoned to interrupt (or to continue) the reading of a book, not a journey through Heaven. For it is not even certain whether, at the moment of this address, Beatrice and DanteDante have already entered Heaven. Furthermore, DanteDante, as the narrator, invariably uses qui for ‘here on earth’.23 Finally, just a short time ago (in Canto I, 4ff.) he has said that he has been in Heaven (nel ciel … fu io) and is now going to report his experiences:
