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“Thank goodness,” ejaculated Robert in response to Deerfoot’s statement. “Food and sleep are the two things I want most of all right now.”

“I need them too,” said Joseph. “I think, however, that our hardships have just begun. That is, if we meant what we said this morning about avenging our family. I know I meant it anyway.”

“So did I,” exclaimed Robert. “I didn’t mean to be a baby just now and it won’t happen again. Here, Deerfoot, let me paddle.”

“No. Deerfoot paddle,” replied the Indian quietly.

His manner immediately changed toward Robert, however, as he saw a revival of spirit in the boy. It was never his custom openly to rebuke either of his young friends. He set an example and took it for granted that the brothers would follow it. He was immensely proud of his young pupils, for it was in this light that he regarded them, and stoical as he was he could not always hide his feelings.

Down the narrow stream they went about two miles. Here the channel became lost in a huge swamp, a place that had always been a mystery and an attraction to the two brothers. They had never explored the swamp to any extent, however, for they invariably lost their bearings when they entered it and experienced difficulty in finding their way out. The channel of Fox River was easily discerned and not hard to follow, but Deerfoot soon left the channel and bore off to his left.

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