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Sworn to and subscribed before me by the above-mentioned applicant, to me personally known, this ...... day of ................ 190..., at ........... county of ............................ and State (or Territory or District) ........................

(Signature of officer) ...................

(Official impressed seal.) (Official title) .........

The official seal must not be omitted.

Every applicant for examination must furnish the vouchers of two citizens of the United States, each of whom must be at least twenty-one years of age, and must have known the applicant for six months or more. Vouchers will not be accepted from the father, mother, sister, brother, husband, wife or child of the applicant, and not more than one voucher will be accepted from relatives of more remote degree.

No recommendations other than those provided for hereon will be accepted by the Commission.



The following is a sample of the two vouchers; all answers made by vouchers must be in their own handwriting.
