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Physical Conditions.


Eye glasses are permitted during the examination, but very serious defective sight is sufficient to cause rejection. As also are defective hearing, or speech; persons blind in one eye; one-armed, one-handed, or one-legged persons, or those having crippled arms or legs, or those suffering from asthma or hernia. Deaf mutes and persons with defective speech may, however, be appointed to the positions of mail clerk, distributor, and directing and forwarding clerk. Applicants also are excluded from examinations for any of the following reasons:

That he is, on the date of the examination, under the minimum or over the maximum age limitation.

That he has any of the following defects: Insanity, tuberculosis, paralysis, epilepsy, blindness, loss of both arms or both legs, loss of arm and leg, badly crippled or deformed hands, arms, feet, or legs, uncompensated calvular disease of the heart, locomotor ataxia, cancer, Bright’s disease, diabetes, or is otherwise physically disqualified for the service which he seeks.
