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AND this, in fine, is the only natural Reason to be given, why many Things, no ways commendable in either Sex, are the less excusable in the Woman.





CONCEPTION, in a word, is Two-fold; True and Natural, or False and Præternatural. It is call’d True, in opposition to a False Conception; and Natural, because it answers to the Institution of Nature. Wherefore I shall begin with This, and conduct the Woman, who has truly and naturally conceiv’d, thro’ the different Stages of Life she is to pass; describing plainly, and laying before her the many various Scenes of every respective Stage, which can any ways affect her Person.

IN this nice Affair, like a faithful Pilot, in a narrow Channel, I shall not only point out the Barrs and Rocks, on which she may be Shipwreck’d; but also direct and prescribe her Course, by which she may sail safe into her wish’d-for Port: Where when I have duly secur’d Herself and her Cargo to the Best of my Capacity, I shall thereafter proceed in their Order, to treat of the different Preternatural Conceptions; as I shall in this place now discourse only of the Natural.
