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CHAP. IV. Of the SYMPTOMS of the first three Months.


THE Prolifick Seed being duly coagulated by a gentle Ebullition of its own vegetative Faculty, by the Power of the Plastick Virtue of the vital Spirits, and by the peculiar innate Quality of the Matrix; this inlivened Substance produceth an Organical Body, of a perfectly form’d, and delineated Foetus: Which Foetus, according to the various Steps of its Progression in Formation, Animation, and Maturation, occasions as many various and different Effects upon the Bearing Woman; as necessary Consequences of the said three principal Acts of the Infant’s Constitution.

NOW these consequential Effects may be properly divided into Three Classes; which are accordingly call’d Symptoms of the First, Second, or Middle; and of the last Three Months.

BUT it is to be observ’d by the Way, that all Women are not alike subjected to them; Some being more troubled with Those of the First; Others also with Those of the Second; and Others again with the Symptoms of the last Three Months. But there are some Women, in fine, that continue to be troubled, in the Middle Months, with the Symptoms of the First; and in the Latter, with some of Those of the Second: All which happens according to their various Regimens, Dispositions and Habits of Body.
