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UPON that of the Final Cause, they could find no created Being capable of directing that Nature, which directs and appoints all Creatures to aim at some peculiar End; and thence conclude, that this Nature is directed by something superior to itself.

UPON that of the Efficient Cause, they confess, from the many Vicissitudes of created Beings, that they’ve all had a Beginning: and (because no Beginning can be without an Efficient) acknowledge, that something more excellent than all created Beings, hath created them.

THE Metaphysician useth a vast Variety of sublime Arguments; whereof I shall only give a few Instances: viz.

I. THAT every finite Being must needs proceed from something else, limiting it in that Finiteness, in which its Nature conflicts.

II. THAT all Multitude must proceed from Unity, as the Motions of the lower Orbs proceed from that of the one highest; or as the many particular distinct Actions and different Motions of the Man, proceed from (their Superior) the Soul.

III. THAT the Subordination of the Creatures, one serving another, and all concurring to the Common Good, must needs proceed from the Disposal of some most wise Governour.
