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Most Excellent Societies,

I Have generally observ’d, that Men address their Works to improper Hands; some aim at Personages too great, to regard them; others stoop to Men too unlearned, to defend them: Some again make their Court and apply to Persons in Vogue or in Place, and others cringe and creep after Purse-proud Patrons: But as I pursue not the common Designs of Dedicators, so I have studied no subterfuges of Flattery, nor Flourishes of Panegyrick in this Dedication. I know, that, whatever my Performance may prove, a substantial Work will stand securely upon its own Bottom, and make its way into the World, without any secondary Helps; whereas a slight Defective Piece will fall and be quash’d, tho’ it should even strut with Majesty itself in its glaring Front.

Had I then presum’d upon any particular Voucher for the Female Physician, it would have look’d like acknowledging Guilt and seeking for Defence; Because You, and none else, are the competent Judges in Affairs of this Nature: God having entrusted you only with the Lives of Men; and you (under Him) being the Sole Preservers of Life and the great Distributers of Health, I have thought it my Duty to make this solemn Application to your August Societies in general; and in this manner to render you some small Account of the TALENT, which some of your selves have entrusted me with for Improvement.