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THIS Body, therefore, being the Vessel and Receptacle of the Soul, the Engine and Instrument, in and through which it operates; I judge it to be our incumbent Duty, to take special Care, and nice Observation of both Soul and Body: Since (in this Life) the one cannot consist without the other, or discharge its respective Offices; the one always requiring the Ministry and Assistance of the other, which the omniscient Artificer has so wisely ordered and ordained from all Eternity.

HOWEVER yet, I cannot agree with St. Cyprian, that the animated and sensible Body is only used by the Soul, as mechanical Instruments are by the Workman; since I think a more proper Simile may be drawn from the Sun and Moon: For tho’ the Moon borrows Light of the Sun, she is not altogether devoid of such a Power or Influence as is proper to herself, being guided and sustained by a peculiar Motion, whilst she absolves her own Circle; taking Light from the Sun, no otherways than as a Looking-Glass, polish’d Brass, or Copper, takes Splendor or Refulgency from an opposite Fire or Light: For notwithstanding she exhibits no Light, unless illuminated by the Sun; however yet, she is not idle or desidious in accomplishing her monthly Course, and measuring her own Space of the Heavens, and that without any Assistance of the Sun. So the Soul invigorates and affords Strength to the Body, which however is not altogether without its own implanted Faculties and natural Powers; the four Qualities of Humours, with which ev’ry Body abounds, capacitating and adapting it to all Things within its own Sphere.
