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HENCE the learned Arabians ascribed the Bodies, Actions, and Dispositions of Men to Stars and Signs: As Proclus teacheth, that Superiours and Inferiours are manifestly one in the other. But these Inferiours are defin’d, some to be Solar, others Lunar; on which the Sun and Moon make strong Impressions, like those of the Stars and Signs they are under. In reference to which, they distribute the human Body among the Planets and Signs of the Zodiack; and most ingeniously demonstrate, that as the Triplicities of those Signs answer one another, and agree in Celestials, so they also concur in the Members of the Body; which Observation, daily Experience also confirms. As for example: By a Coldness of the Feet, the Belly and Breast are affected; and these Members answering to the same Triplicity, any proper Medicine apply’d to the one, helps the other; as by warming the Feet, the Pain of the Belly ceaseth.

WHEREFORE, if we consider the many occult Qualities, and secret Influences of celestial Bodies, besides these three which are manifest to us, namely, Heat, Light, and Motion, we shall readily and rationally agree with Astrologers, as well as Philosophers, in this Point; that the celestial Bodies concur with other natural Causes, in the regular Procession of all the different Steps of the Conformation and Constitution of human Conception.
