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IN Case of Twins, or more Children, if conceived at one Time, they have but one common SECUNDINE, (notwithstanding the contrary Opinion of others) which adheres to the Fund of the Womb, by the Placenta, as above: Wherefore I must needs reject the Testimony of such Midwives, who give out that they have found the SECUNDINE, fix’d to any other Part of the Womb; tho’ I experimentally know, that it is sometimes found in the Hinder Part near the Loins, sometimes in the Forepart, sometimes near the Diaphragma, sometimes in the Right, and sometimes in the Left Side.

BUT however, we should be grossly mistaken, if from hence, we did conclude, that the SECUNDINE adher’d to any other Part, than the Bottom of the Womb: Since such erroneous Apprehensions are merely occasion’d by the various Motion, or oblique Position of the Womb; as hereafter will appear more at large.



THE three Umbilical Vessels consist of one Vein and Two Arteries; which compose the NAVEL-STRING, and are wrap’d up in one strong Membrane, proceeding from the Chorion and Amnion, between the Navel and Placenta.
