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OTHERS again have disputed the Possibility of a VIRGIN’s generating Milk; affirming Milk in the Breasts, to be a certain Sign of lost VIRGINITY: And (I think) there is some Reason for this Opinion; for my part, I would inform myself better, before I should credit Her, who would give herself out for a VIRGIN, having this Symptom; notwithstanding the contrary Opinion of others, founded upon the Authority of Hippocrates[27]: Since, according to the Judgment of the most learned Mauritius Cordæus[28], it very seldom happens. But if after All, a VIRGIN chances to have Milk in her Breasts, it differs in Quantity as well as Quality, from That of a Woman who has conceiv’d: For which Reason, he distinguishes and describes Two Sorts of Milk: viz.

THE One, which belongs to this Case, he says, is generated of Blood flowing to the Breasts, when deny’d an Exit by the Womb; and is nothing but the superfluous Aliment of the Breasts, by their peculiar Faculty, turn’d into Milk: Which may happen to VIRGINS irregular in their Menstrua; and according to this Interpretation, Hippocrates is to be rightly understood. The other Milk, he calls Puerperial; which does not generate without a Big-Belly, and That pretty far Gone: Which Milk is communicated from the Womb directly to the Breasts.
