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HE teaches us also, that this Difference of Milk, proceeds from the Diversity of Blood, of which both Sorts are generated; and likewise from the Variety of the Veins and Passages, by which they are convey’d and carry’d to the Breasts.

WHICH Veins are Two-fold; namely, Common and Proper. The Common are called External, and these are such as only carry the Blood from the Vena Cava, for the Nutrition of the Breasts; which, if superfluous, or more than is sufficient for that Use, is converted (by the Glands of the Breasts) into a kind of Milk: Which, altho’ white, is of a thinner Substance, not so sweet, nor so plentiful, as true Milk. Whereas the proper Mammary Veins carry that very Blood, of which Milk is generated for the Nourishment of the Infant, from the Womb directly[29]; which happens, by what the Greeks call an Anastomosis, or Conjunction of the Mammary and Epigastrick Veins.

FROM hence we have the Difference of these two sorts of Blood and Milk: Wherefore it is to be concluded, that altho’ the One be found in the Breasts of VIRGINS, they are not therefore to be rashly suspected of Pollution; since, according to Aristotle[30], the same may happen sometimes also to Men.
