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HENCE proceed the OBSTRUCTIONS of the Uterine Vessels, and neighbouring Parts, of the Veins of the LIVER, and SPLEEN; but especially, of the MESENTERY: So that the natural Calidity of the whole Body being thus suffocated, and oppressed, by those crude Humours, an Irregularity, or Suppression of the MENSTRUA, must needs ensue.

BY this Definition, the DISEASE may easily be known; tho’ in some Circumstances, it may differ, according to the different Quality of the predominant Humour: Especially considering, that if all the foremention’d Signs, or Symptoms, do not concur in all PATIENTS; yet Most of them commonly do happen in most Persons, and All in Some. Whence I come methodically to denote more particularly its Causes.

IN order to which, I may justly premise, that the Proximous Cause is a Collection of deprav’d crude Humours in the Body: As the Remote Cause, is a Suppression, or Irregularity in the Course of the Menstruous Blood.

NOW this Blood flowing to the Womb, as soon as the VIRGIN is Mature; if the Passages are not capacious or patent enough, it regorges to the Major Veins, and thence to the very Bowels; extinguishing the Heat, and obstructing the Vessels of the LIVER, SPLEEN, and MESENTERY: From whence proceeds a vicious Concoction and Sanguification; and consequently a Collection of crude Humours, which excite various Symptoms thro’ all Parts of the Body. And it commonly happens, that an irregular or improper Way of Living, especially about the Time of Puberty, or in the Time of the natural Course, engenders a pituitous and viscid Blood; which, together with the aforesaid Humours, totally obstructs the Uterine Vessels.
