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LOVE is like the Palm-Tree, the more oppressed with Weights, the Higher it grows. It always desires to encrease, dilate, and stretch itself farther still, leading to an Harmonious Union of Hearts. Riches cannot purchase Love. Neither Threats nor Violence can either force or restrain it; which being free by Nature, as proceeding from the Freedom of the Will, disdains all Compulsion; subduing all, and unsubdued by any Opposition. In short, it is so generous, that whereas all other Affections and Actions aim at different Rewards; LOVE only is contented with Love, holding nothing else as a sufficient Recompence.

LOVE made Ulysses, rather than forsake his dear Penelope, refuse IMMORTALITY itself at Calipso’s hands.

LOVE is the oldest of our Passions, in that it came into the World with us; and from thence it becomes habitual to a good NATURE, and a brave SOUL.

LOVE is the most noble and generous of our Passions, it soon removes all puny Obstacles in its way. It is ready, prompt, and dexterous to find Excuses or Forgiveness for the greatest FAULTS, and much more to palliate the Peccadillo’s of the Beloved. It does by a peculiar Force and Virtue extirpate all Revenge, and blot out the MEMOIRS of past Unkindnesses.
