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HENCE it is that Philosophers advise, to shun the Society of wicked and impious Men; because their Souls, being full (as it were) of pernicious Rays, infect them who are near, with a resembling Contagion: As they enjoin likewise on the other hand, to keep and frequent the Fellowship of good and fortunate Men; because (by such a Proximity) they are diffusive of their own Good, and infuse it into Those about them. For as Bad of something bad, so Good of something good, always descends and adheres to the nighest; which virtually (like the Smell of Musk, or Assa-Fœtida) continues a long time its lasting Impression.

HERE might be indeed a great deal said upon the Efficacy of the Constancy of the Mind; but because I’ve already been too prolix on this Head, I shall only observe, that in all our Business and Applications, a strong IMAGINATION, zealous Affection, firm Hope, and stedfast Belief, are great Advantages, and necessary Helps. As some most excellent Physicians have experimentally verified this Notion, that a strong Belief, and constant Hope, together with the Love and Confidence of the Patient towards the Physician, conduce very much to the Recovery of Health, and sometimes perhaps more than the Medicine itself: Because the firm IMAGINATION of the honest Physician concurring (in effect) with the Medicine, and strongly hoping it will do him Good, he thereby influentially changes the Symptoms, and virtually alters the Qualities in the Body of the Sick; especially if the Patient reposes an entire Confidence in him, by which means he becomes mutually disposed to receive the Virtue of the Physician, as well as That of the Physick.
