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“Look! What’s that out there, Frank?”

“Oh, ho! No you don’t! You don’t catch me that way—pretending to show me a sea serpent!” objected the older lad.

“No, really, there’s something there—something big and humpy—it’s moving, too! Don’t you see it? Look, right in line with the Eastern Spit Lighthouse! See!”

Andy stood up in his boat, skillfully balancing himself against the rolling swell, and pointed out to sea. His manner was so earnest that, in spite of the many times he had joked with his brother, Frank ceased rowing and peered to where the extended finger of the younger lad indicated something unusual.

“Smoked star fish! You’re right!” agreed Frank, forgetting all about the race now, and standing up in his craft, in order to get a better view.

“What is it?” cried Andy. “A floating wreck?”

“That’s no wreck,” declared Frank.

“Then what is it?”

“It’s a whale, if I’m any judge. A whale, and a big one, too!”


“I guess so. No—by Jupiter! It’s alive Andy, and it’s coming this way!”

“Cracky! If we only had a harpoon or a bomb gun now, that would be the end of Mr. Whale. Let’s row out and meet him!”
