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The case is also similar with respect to Swedenborg’s geological researches. Here J. J. Berzelius[6] has sought to direct the attention of the learned to his penetrating observations and ingenious conclusions; and the opinions of such men as Professor A. E. Nordenskiöld,[7] Professor A. G. Nathorst,[8] and others, have also tended in the same direction in regard to Swedenborg.

Within the realms of astronomy and cosmology Professor M. Nyrén[9] and later Professor S. Arrhenius[10] have pointed out the grand hypotheses of the creation of the worlds, etc. etc., which Swedenborg had erected in advance of all other authors in cosmology.

A number of societies and associations have also been formed whose purpose it is to spread a knowledge of Swedenborg’s works concerning natural science. The oldest of these is the Swedenborg Society of London, which absorbed the purely scientific Swedenborg Association half a century ago, and which this year celebrated the centenary of its foundation. In 1898 there was founded in the United States of America the Swedenborg Scientific Association. In Sweden the Royal Academy of Sciences appointed in 1902 a committee to investigate the contents of Swedenborg’s manuscripts and to publish selected works.
