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After my redounded thankes, they having returned, the contemplation on their courtesies, brought me in rememberance, how curious the old Athenians were to heare of forraine newes, & with what great regard & estimation they honoured travellers, of which as yet, they are no wayes defective.

Serigo.Serigo is an Iland in the sea Cretico: It was aunciently called Cytherea, of Cithero the sonne of Phænise: And of Aristotle Porphyris, or Schotera, in respect of the fine Marble that is got there: It is of circuit threescore miles having but one Castle called Capsallo, which is kept by a Venetian Captaine: here it is sayd that Venus did first inhabit, and I saw the ruines of her demolished Temple, on the side of a mountaine yet extant.

A little more downeward below this old adored Temple [II. 76.]of Venus, are the relickes of that Palace, wherein Menalaus did dwell, who was King of Sparta, and Lord of this Ile. The Greekes of the Ile told me there were wild Asses there, who had a stone in their heads, which was a soveraigne remedy for the Falling sicknesse, and good to make a woman be quickly delivered of her birth. I made afterward deeper enquiry for it, to have either seene or bought it, but for my life I could never attaine to any perfect knowledge thereof.
