Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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[II. 77.]Non male sunt Monachis, grato indita nomina patrum,

Cum numerent natos, hic & ubique suos.

Injustly, no! Monkes be cal’d Fathers, Why?

Their bastards swarme, as thicke, as Starres in Sky.

In the aforesayd boat I also imbarked with the Captaine, and sailed by the little Isoletta of Serigota: Leaving Capo di Spada on our left hand, we arrived at Carabusa with extreme fortune, being fiercely persued by three Turkish Galleots. Betweene Serigo and Carabusa we had seven score and twelve miles of dangerous and combustious seas.



Now Creta comes, the Mediterren Queene,

To my sought view, where golden Ida’s seene:

Cut with the Labrinth of th’ old Minatoure,

Thence tracd I all, the Syclads fifty foure:

With Nigropont and Thessaly amaine,

Macedon, Pernassus, the Achaian plaine;

Tenedos and Troy, long Phrigia sixt,

Sestos, Abidos, Adrianopole vext;

Colchis, falne Thebes, Hellespont, and more,

Constantinople, earths best soveraigne glore:

The Euxine sea, and Pompeys pillar prest,
