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Distances from Candy.Candy is distant from Venice 1300. miles, from Constantinople 700. from Famagusta in Cyprus, 600. from Alexandria in Ægypt, 500. from Tripoli in Siria 700. from Naples 900. from Malta 500. from Smyrna, in Carmania of Natolia 400. and from the Citty of Jerusalem, 900. miles. The Candeots through all the Iland, make muster every eight day, before the Serjant-majors, or Officers of the Generall, and are well provided with all sorts of Armour; yea, and the most valerous people that hight the name of Greekes. It was told me by the Rector of Candy, that they may raise in Armes of the Inhabitants (not reckoning the Garrisons) above sixty thousand men, all able for warres, with 54. Gallies, and 24. Galleots for the sea.

In all my travels through this Realme, I never could see a Greeke come forth of his house unarmed: and after such a martiall manner, that on his head he weareth a bare steele cap, a bow in his hand, a long sword by his side, a broad Ponard overthwart his belly, and a round Target hanging at his girdle. They are not costly in apparell, for they weare but linnen cloathes, and use no shooes but bootes of white leather, to keepe their legges in the fields from the prickes of a kind of Thistle, wherewith [III. 90.]the Countrey is overcharged like unto little bushes or short shrubs which are marvelous sharpe, and offensive unto the inhabitants, whereof, often a day to my great harme, I found their bloody smart: The women generally weare linnen breaches as men do, and bootes after the same manner, and their linnen coates no longer then the middle of their thighes, and are insatiably inclined to Venery, such is the nature of the soyle and climate. The Creets turnd Critticks.auncient Cretans were such notable lears, that the heathen Poet Epimenides, yea, and the Apostle Paul in his Epistle to Titus, did tearme them to have beene ever liers, evill beasts, and slow bellies: whence sprung these proverbs, as Cretense mendacium, & cretisandum est cum cretensibus.
