Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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Yet whilst I wondring call to minde againe.

That thou durst goe, like no man else that lives;

By Sea and land, alone, in cold and raine,

Through Bandits, Pirats, and Arabian Theeves,

I doe admire thee; yet a good event

Absolves a rash designe: So hardest things,

(When humane reason cannot give consent

T’ attempt) attain’d; the greater glory brings.

Then Friend, though praise & paines rest both with thee,

The use redounds unto the world, and mee.

John Murray.

In commendation of the Author William Lithgow.

Come curious eyes, that pierce the highest scopes

Of sublime stiles: come satisfie your hopes

And best desires; in this prompe Pilgrimes paines

Whose deepe experience, all this worke sustaines

With solid substance, of a Subject deare

And pregnant Method; laid before you heare

In open bonds: Come take your hearts delight

In all the colours, of the worlds great sight.

Come thanke his travells; praise his painfull Pen

That sends this light, to live, mongst living men;

To teach your children, when he, and you are laid
