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Hic ubi nunc Roma est, olim fuit ardua silva,

Tantaque res paucis, pascua bobus erat.

Where Rome now stands, was sometimes desart woods

And soyle to feed some few-found bestiall goods.

And yet Rome was once the famous City of Europe, the mother and nurse of worthy Senators, the miracle of Nations, the Epitome of the world, the Kingdome of Mars, and the seven headed soveraigne of many Provinces. Romes seven Hils.The seven hills whereon she stood, and now partly somewhere stands: for they are all contained within the vast bounds of the old walls, which as yet environeth the towne, are these, Palatino, Capitolina, Viminale, Aventina, Esquiline, Cælio, and Quiraneno. Which certainely do demonstrate the whoore of Babylon, sitting on the beast with seaven heads, and cannot be understood but of Rome, being builded on these seven hils: having a correspondence to seaven Kings who reigned there; and also acknowledging seven severall Rulers, Kings, Consuls, Decemviri, Tribunes, Dictators, Emperours, and now Popes. During the felicity of the Romaines, this Citty was never taken, but by the Gauls, which being recovered they made a Law that Priests (being otherwise exempted) should goe to warre, if ever the Gauls came againe, with whom they fought not for dominion, but for their owne preservation: But since it became pontificiall, it hath bene made a prey to all barbarous Nations, and never was besieged by any that tooke it not.
