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Neere to mount Palatin, and the decayed temple of Romulus, I saw the Temple of Venus, converted now to the Church of Sancta Maria, Liberatrice Dalla piene de Inferno, The deliverer from infernall paynes, as Venus was the Consolatrix of amorous paynes.

Besides all these I saw one most sight-worthy spectacle, which was the Library of the auncient Romans, being licentiated to enter with two Gentlemen, Sir William Carre, Mr. James Aughmuty my Countrey men, where when I was come, I beheld a world of old Bookes, the first whereof, was an infinite number of Greeke Bibles subscribed with the hands of these holy Fathers, who (as [I. 17.]they say) translated them out of the Hebrew tongue.

I saw also the Academies of Aristotle, wherein he treateth of the soule, health, life, nature and qualities of men, with the Medicaments of Galen, for the diseases and Famous Authors.infirmities of man: The familiar Epistles of Cicero, the Æneidot of Virgil, the Saphicke Verses of that Lesbian Sapho, the workes of Ovid, Pliny, Plutarke, Titus Livius, Horatius, Strabo, Seneca, Plato, Homer, Tirentius, Cato, Hippocrates, Josepus, Pythagoras, Diodorus Siculus, Eusebius, S. Austine, S. Ambrose, S. Cyprian, S. Gregory, and likewise the workes of other excellent Phylosophers, Divines and Poets: all wrote with their owne hands, and sealed with their names, and manuall subscriptions. I saw also the forme of the first auncient writing which was upon leaves of trees, cakes of lead, with their fingers on ashes, barkes of trees, with strange figures, and unknowne Letters, that was brought from Ægypt: for the Ægyptians first devised the use thereof, and the sight of infinite Obligatory writings of Emperors, Kings and Princes, which I omit to relate, referring the same to be Registred by the next beholder.
