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Cingitur urbs Venetum pelago, ditissima nummis.

This Towne most rich, to dare the Maine is shut,

In Neptunes bosome, and sea-streeted cut.

Venice is a Garden of riches, and worldly pleasures the chiefe flowre of Common-weales, and the perfect, mirrour of civill and politicke Governement. This sequestrat Citty, is situate in the bosome of Neptune, and divided from the world, with a part of his maine body, which invironeth the Iland.

The territories of Venice.The Common-wealth of Venice, containeth Marcha del Trevisa, which lieth in Lombardy, containing these Cities, Trevisa, Padua, Vincenza, Verona, Briscia, the second City for bignesse and beauty in all Lombardy, Bergamo, Chiozza, and Rovigno. Friuli, formerly called Forum Julii, lieth in the straite betweene the East end of the Alpes, and the sea Adriaticke, in length fifty, & in bredth forty miles. It hath bene often subject to the vicissitude of fortune: The chiefe towne is Treista in the bottome of the gulfe, and Palma lately built by the Venetians 1583. being the most impregnable, and best fortified towne in Italy: Friuli was a Dukedome, founded by the Lombards at the beginning of the Venetian Common-wealth: Afterward Luitprandus one of the Dukes, envying the increase of the dominion of Venice, made war against them, which ended in the losse of his owne countrey. The rest be Istria, a part of Dalmatia, the Ilands Candy, Corfu, Zante, Cephalonia, Serigo, Tino, Val di Campare, Lesina, and others of lesser note.
