Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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The Venetians howsoever of old, they have bene great warriours; they are now more desirous to keepe, then inlarge their Dominions, and that by presents and money, [I. 40.]rather than by the sword or true valour; so that whatsoever they loose by battell, it is observed, they recover againe by treatise. The Venetians are sayd to have discended of the Hennets in Asia lesser, who assisting

the Trojans, and Troy being lost, their King Pterilimene slaine, they fled away with Antenor; and arriving in this part of Italy seated themselves, till the report of the Hunnes designe against Italy, made them, (avoyding the storme before it fell) to draw into these Ilands and The first plantation of Venice.Marishes, where now it standeth. It was first founded, and begun, Anno. 421. March 25. being distant from the maine land five miles, and defended against the fury of the sea, by a banke extending to fifty miles in length: Through which in eight places, there is passage broken for small boates, but no way for vessels of any burthen, save at Malamucco, and the castle of Lio: Yea, and so dangerous, that there is neither out-going nor in-comming, without a Pylot, which maketh the Citty unconquerable.
