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Istria hath on the South Friuli and the sea: on the West Stria: on the North Carniola: on the East the gulfe The antiquity of the Istrians.Carnaro or Quevero. It is thought the Istrians were first a people of Colchis in Natolia, who by King Ætas being sent to pursue Jason and the Argonauts (who had stolne the golden fleece and his daughter Medea) either because of the long journey, or feare of the Kings anger [II. 45.]durst not returne, and so remained in this Country, where they enjoyed a long freedom, til by many incursions of piracy, still molesting the Venetians they lost many of their Townes Anno 938. & afterward the whole Country made tributary by Duke Henry Gondolo about the yeare 1200.

That part which bordereth with the sea, belongeth to the Venetians, but the rest within land holds of the Emperour, and the Archduke of Austria. The Country it selfe aboundeth in cornes, wines and all kinds of fruites necessary for humane life. Neare to this haven wherein we lay, expecting roome windes, I saw the ruines Justinopoli decayed.of old Justinopoli, so called of Justinian the Emperour, who builded it upon an Iland of a miles length, and three acres broad: And to passe betwixt the City and the firme land, there was seven bridges made. It was aunciently strong, but now altogether decayed: The principall Cities in Istria at this day, are these, Parenzo, Humago, Pola, Rovigo.
