Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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Yet they licentiate the neighbouring Infidels to traffick with them, but when they enter the gates, they must deliver their weapons to the Corporall of the Squadron company: Neither may they stay within all night under the paine of imprisonment. Dalmatia.Dalmatia was called so of Mauritius the Emperour. The foure principall Provinces whereof are these, Atheos, Senebico, Spalleto and Tragurio. A part of which belongeth to Venice, another part to the arch Duke of Austria, and a third unto the Turkes. Zara is distance from Venice two hundreth miles.

When the wandring night was chased from the inferiour Ilands, by the recoursing day, and the Sunne had imparted his brightnesse to our under neighbours, and our dreames ready to possesse the Theater of the fancy, the wearisome creatures of the world declining to their rest; and under shaddow of the pale Lady of the night; even then, from Zara I imbarked in a small Frigot, bound for Lesina, with five Slavonian Marriners: who sometimes sailed, & somtimes rowed with Oares: in our way we past by the Ile of Brazza, which is of no great quantity, but fertile enough [II. 50.]for the Inhabitants, and kept by a Gentleman of Venice. It lieth in the mouth of the gulfe Narento, that divideth Dalmatia from Slavonia: Many fondly conceive that these two kingdomes are all one, but I hold the contrary opinion, both by experience, and by auncient Authors: having passed Capo di Costa, which is the beginning of Slavonia, I saw upon my right hand, a round Rocke of a great height, in forme of a Piramide; being cognominated by Easterne Mariners, Pomo, aunciently Salyro, for the good Faulcons that are bred therein. It standeth in the middest of the Gulfe betweene Slavonia and Italy, and not habitable.
