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Leaving this monstrous shapen Monster to the owne strange, and almost incredulous Nativity, we returned to Lesiva. But by the way of our backe comming, I remember that worthy Gentleman who shewed me the ruines of an old house, where the noble Demetrius.King Demetrius was borne; and after I had yeelded by bounden and dutifull thankes unto his generous minde, I hired a Fisher-boate to goe over to Clissa, being twelve miles distant. This Ile of Clissa is of length twenty, and of circuit threescore miles: It is beautified with two profitable Sea-ports, and under the Signiory of Venice. There are indifferent good commodities therein; upon the South side of this Iland lieth the Ile Pelagusa, a rocky and barren place.

Departing from thence in a Carmoesalo bound to Ragusa, we sailed by the three Iles, Brisca, Placa, Igezi; And when we entred in the Gulfe of Cataro, we fetched up the sight of the Ile Melida, called of old Meligna: Before we could attaine unto the Haven, wherein our purpose was to stay all night, we were assailed on a sudden with a deadly storme: Insomuch, that every swallowing wave threatned our death, and bred in our breasts, an intermingled sorrowe of feare and hope. And yet hard [II. 54.]by us, and within a mile to the ley-ward, a Barbarian man of war of Tunneis, carrying two tyre of Ordonance, and 200. men, seaz’d upon a Carmosale of Venice, at the first shot, she being loaden with Malvasie and Muscadine and come from Candy, and had us also in chase till night divided our contrary designes. The winds becomming favourable, and our double desired safety enjoyed, both because of the sea storme, and of the stormy Pyrat, we set forward in the Gulfe of Cataro, and sayled by the Cursola.Ile Cursola: in this island I saw a walled towne called Curzola, which hath two strong Fortresses to guard it. It is both commodious for the trafficke of Merchandize they have, and also for the fine wood that groweth there, whereof the Venetian Ships and Gallies are made: An Iland no lesse pleasant then profitable; and the two Governours thereof are changed every eighteene moneths, by the State of Venice.
