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This Citty is the Metropolitan of the Kingdome of Slavonia.Slavonia: Slavonia was first called Liburnia, next, Illiria, of Ilirio the sonne of Cadmus: But lastly, named Slavonia, of certaine slaves that came from Sarmatia passing the river Danubio, in the time of the Emperour Justinian: Croatia lying North-west from hence, is the third Province of this auntient Ilyria, and was formerly called Valeria, or Corvatia: It hath on the West Istria and Carniola: on the East and South, Dalmatia: on the North North-west a part of Carindia quasi Carinthia, and northerly Savus: So much as is called Slavonia, extendeth from the River Arsa in the West, the river Drino in the East, on the South bordereth with the Gulfe of Venice, and on the North with the Mountaines of Croatia: These Mountaines divide also Ragusa from Bosna. Bosna is bounded on the West with Croatia, and on the South with Illiricum, or Slavonia, on the East with Servia: and on the North with the River Savus.

The next two speciall Citties in that Kingdome, are Sabenica and Salona. The Slavonians are of a robust [II. 56.]nature, martiall, and marvellous valiant fellowes, and a great helpe to maintaine the right and liberty of the Venetian State, serving them both by sea and land, and specially upon their Galleyes and men of Warre. From Ragusa I imbarked in a Tartareta, loaden with corne, and bound to Corfu, being three hundred miles distant.
