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And notwithstanding Don John led that Armado, yet ambition led him, who in the midst of that famous victory, conceaved a treacherous designe, to seaze upon the castles of Corfu, under shew of the Venetian colors, which being discoverd, and he disappointed, died for displeasure in his returne to Messina in Sicilia; where there his Statue standeth to this day.

After my arrivall in Peterasso, the Metropolitan of Peloponesus, I left the turmoyling dangers of the intricated Iles, of the Ionean and Adriaticall seas, and advised to travell in the firme land of Greece, with a Caravan of Greekes that was bound for Athens.

Peterasso is a large and spacious City, full of Merchandize, and greatly beautified with all kind of Commercers, Their chiefe commodities, are raw Silkes, Cloth of gold and silver, Silken-growgranes, Rich-damas, Velvets of all kinds, with Sattins and Taffeties, and especially a Girnell for grayne: The Venetians, Ragusans, and Marseillians have great handling with them: Here I remember there was an English Factor lying, whom the Subbassa [II. 67.]or Governour of the Towne a Turke, caused privately afterward upon malice to be poysoned, even when I was wintering at Constantinople, for whose death the worthy and generous Ambassadour, Sir Thomas Glover my Patrone and Protector, was so highly incensed, that he went hither himselfe to Peterasso, with two Jannizaries, and a warrant sent with him from the Emperour, who in the midst of the market-place of Peterasso, caused one of these two Janizaries, strike off the head from the shoulders of that Sanzack; and put to death divers others also that had beene accessary to the poysoning of the English Consul; and the Ambassadour returning againe to Constantinople, was held in singular reputation even with the Turkes, for prosecuting so powerfully the course of Justice, and would not shrinke for no respect, I being domestick with him the selfe same time.
