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Now as concerning the government of Greece, tearmd by the Turkes, Rum Ili, that is, the Romane Country: The Beglerbeg of Greece.It is ruled by a Beglerbeg, or Bassa, this word Beglerbeg imports, Lord of Lords, in regard of the Sanzacks, or Subbassaes under them, who also are tearmed Lords; which is a barbarous pride in an ambitious style: This Beglerbeg of Greece, retaineth his residence at Sophia the Metropole of Bulgaria, formerly Dacia, and is the greatest Commaunder of all other Bassaes in the Turkish Provinces of Europe.

All other Beglerbegs are changed every third yeare, or continued according to the Imperiall pleasure, neither may they returne from their station during this time. But this Bassa of Greece, keepeth his government for his life-time, and remaineth most at Court: He reserveth under his commaund, fourty thousand Timariots or Horsemen; led under the conduct of twenty two Sanzacks, or Judges deputies of Jurisdictions; to wit, two in Albania, at the Townes Iscodera, and Ancolina: two in Achaia, at Delvina, and Albassan: three in Thessalia, at Priasim, Salonica, and Trichola: two in Sparta, at Misietra and Paleopatra: three in Macedonia, at Carmona, Selistria, and Giastandila: one in Moldavia, at Acheranma: in Bulgaria, one at Sophia: in Thracia, one at Viazza: in [II. 74.]Epyre, one at Ducagina: in Ætolia, one at Joanina: in Peleponesus, one at Peterasso: the rest are Usopia, Nycopolis, Corinth, and Bandera towards the black-sea, and to the Northward of Danubio, at his kissing the Euxine waves: This much for the Beglerbeg ship of Greece, and the Provinces thereunto adjoyning.
