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CANNAE, BATTLE OF.—This battle, one of the most celebrated in ancient history, was fought between the Romans and Hannibal. The forces of the Africans amounted to 50,000, while those of the Romans were equal to 88,000, of whom 40,000 were slain. The victor sent 3 bushels of gold rings as a present to the Carthagenian ladies, which he had taken off the fingers of the Roman knights slain in this memorable engagement. So contested was the fight that neither side perceived an earthquake, which happened during the battle. The place is now called “The Field of Blood.” Fought 21st May, B.C. 216.

CANNON.—They are said to have been used as early as 1338. First used by the English at the siege of Calais, 1347. Used by the English first in battle, that of Crecy, in 1346.

CAPE BRETON.—Discovered by the English 1584. Taken by the French in 1632. Restored and again taken in 1745, and retaken in 1748. Finally possessed by the English, when 5000 men were made prisoners of war, and 11 ships destroyed, 1758. Ceded to England at the peace of 1783.
