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CASTIGLIONE, BATTLE OF.—One of the most brilliant victories of the French arms under Napoleon against the Austrians, commanded by General Wurmsex. The battle lasted 5 days, from the 2nd to the 6th July, 1796. The Austrians lost 70 field pieces, all their caissons, and between 12,000 to 15,000 prisoners, and 6000 killed and wounded.

CASTILLON, BATTLE OF.—In France.—Fought between the armies of England (Henry VI) and those of France (Charles VII). The English were signally defeated, July 7th, 1453,—Calais alone remaining in their hands.

CASTLEBAR, BATTLE OF.—Fought between a body of French troops and an insurgent Irish force, at Killala, on the one hand, and the King’s royal forces on the other; the latter, after a short contest, being obliged to retire, August 28th, 1798.

CATAMARANS.—Fire machines for destroying ships, invented and tried on the Boulogne flotilla of Napoleon. Sir Sidney Smith attempted to burn the flotilla, but failed, August 31st, 1805.

CATAPULTÆ.—Engines used by the ancient Romans for throwing stones. Invented by Dionysius, the King of Syracuse, B.C. 399.
