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CATEAU, PEACE OF.—Concluded between Henry II of France and Philip II of Spain, in 1599. A battle was fought here between the allies, under the Prince of Cobourg, and the French. The latter were defeated with a loss of 5000 in killed and 5 pieces of cannon, March 28th, 1794.

CAWNPORE.—In India.—Famous in the Great Indian mutiny, which is thus described:

“At Cawnpore, a terrible disaster befell the British arms. Sir Hugh Wheeler, a veteran officer of approved bravery, had entrenched himself in the barracks with a force of less than 300 fighting men, and upwards of 500 women and children, the wives and families of officers and civilians, and of the Queen’s 32d regiment, then besieged at Lucknow. The insurgents were commanded by Nena Sahib, or, rather, Dhandoo Pant, Rajah of Bhitoor, the adopted son of the late Peishwah Bajee Raho. This man, under the mask of kindly feeling toward the English, nurtured a deadly hatred against the government, which had refused to acknowledge his claims as the Peishwah’s successor. He had long been addicted to the most revolting sensuality, and had lost all control over his passions. Wearied and enraged by the desperate resistance of this handful of brave men, he offered them a safe passage to Allahabad, if they would give up their guns and treasure. The place, indeed, was no longer tenable; and the survivors, diminished in number, were exhausted by constant vigils and want of food. In an evil moment, then, they accepted the terms of their perfidious enemy, marched down to the river, and embarked on board the boats which had been prepared for them. Suddenly a masked battery opened fire upon them, and crowds of horse and foot soldiers lined either bank. Many were shot dead, still more were drowned, and about 150 taken prisoners; four only escaped by swimming. The men were instantly put to death in cold blood; the women and children were spared for a few days longer.
