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I need scarcely say here that that event is the unprecedented and unheard of invasion of our country, by a band of lawless brigands and filibusters, from the neighbouring Republic, ycleped Fenians, who have shed blood, and wantonly invaded the territory of a friendly power. It gives me much pleasure to insert in the “Cyclopædia of Battles” some account of how they were met by our brave Volunteers, at Ridgeway and Pigeon Hill; for it proves that the Volunteers of Canada will compare favorably with those of the Mother Country: and let it be borne in mind that one-half of the men who greatly contributed to the Victory of Waterloo were recruits—raw troops—drafts from the militia—soldiers who had never been engaged before; and the same indomitable pluck—the same unconquered spirit—the same manly virtue of England’s offshoot sons, was seen in the attack at Ridgeway.

In the first general engagement in the Great Rebellion of the United States—which was fought at Bull Run—American Volunteers were also for the first time under fire, but what was the result? A total pell-mell rout—a scattered army hurrying on—cavalry, artillery, and infantry—in one mighty, confused mass—treading down and overthrowing each other, in their eagerness to escape from the manly chivalry of the South. Our brave Volunteers charged with the “Spirit of their fathers,” and gained the day.
