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ALMEIDA.—This was an important position, as a frontier town of Portugal, in the Peninsular war. Massena laid siege to it August 15th, 1810, and the governor capitulated August 27th following. The French crossed into Spain, leaving a garrison at Almeida, blockaded by the British, April 6th, 1811. It was evacuated by the French, May 11th, of the same year. In the end Wellington compelled Massena to retire from Portugal, but the route of the French was tracked by horrid desolation.

ALNEY.—This was rather a single combat than a battle, between Edmund Ironside and Canute the Great, in sight of their armies. The latter was wounded, when he proposed a division of the kingdom, the south part falling to Edmund, A.D. 1016; but this prince having been murdered at Oxford, shortly after the treaty, according to some by the treachery of Aldric Streon, Canute was left in the peaceable possession of the whole kingdom, A.D. 1017.

AMBOYNA.—This place is celebrated for the memorable massacre of the English factors by the Dutch, February 17th, 1623; they were cruelly tortured and put to death on an accusation of a conspiracy to expel the Dutch from the island, where the two nations resided and jointly shared in the pepper trade of Java. Amboyna was seized by the English, February 16th, 1796, but was restored by the treaty of Amiens in 1802. It was again seized by the British, February 17th, 1810, and was restored at the peace of 1814.
