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AUSTERLITZ, BATTLE OF.—Fought December 2nd, 1805, between the French and Austrian armies; gained by the former. Three Emperors commanded at this battle, Alexander of Russia, Francis of Austria, and Napoleon of France. The killed and wounded exceeded 40,000 on the side of the Allies, who lost besides, 40 standards, 150 pieces of cannon, and many thousands of prisoners. This decisive victory of the French led to the treaty of Presburg, which was signed December 26th same year.



BABYLON.—This city was first taken by Ninus, B.C. 2059, then by Esar-haddon, B.C. 680. Both Darius and Cyrus took the city, the first through the fidelity of his officer Zopyrus, who having cut off his nose and ears fled to the Babylonians, and was admitted within the walls, and found means shortly afterwards to betray the city—the other by turning the course of the river Euphrates, and marching his soldiers up the dry bed into the city.

BADAJOS, SIEGE OF.—This important frontier fortress had surrendered to the French, March 11th, 1811, and was invested by the British under Lord Wellington, on March 16th, 1812; and stormed and taken on April following. The siege is one of the most important in the annals of warfare; for the victory was not only a glorious military achievement in itself, but it obliged the French, who had entered Portugal for the purpose of plunder, to commence a precipitate retreat from that kingdom. For particulars, see Life of Wellington, and Napier’s Peninsular War.
