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BLENHEIM, BATTLE OF.—Fought between the English and confederates, commanded by the Duke of Marlborough, and the French and Bavarians, under Marshal Tallard and the Elector of Bavaria, whom the Duke totally defeated, with the loss of 27,000 men, in killed, and 13,000 prisoners—Tallard being among the number of the latter; the Electorate of Bavaria became a prize of the conquerors. The nation testified its gratitude to the Duke of Marlborough by the gifts of the honour of Woodstock and hundred of Wotton, and erected for him one of the finest seats in the kingdom, known as the domain and house of Blenheim. This great battle was fought on the 2nd of August, 1704.

BOIS-LE-DUC, BATTLE OF.—Between the British and the French Republican army, in which the former were defeated, September 14th, 1794. Captured by the French, October 6th, following, and surrendered to the Prussian army under Bulow, 1814.

BOLOGNA.—Taken by the French in 1796; by the Austrians in 1799; again by the French, after Marengo, in 1800; and restored to the Pope, in 1815.
