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BRECHIN.—Scotland.—Edward III besieged it in 1333. A battle was fought here between the forces of the Earls of Huntly and Crawford. The latter defeated in 1452.

BREDA.—Taken by Prince Maurice in 1590. By the Spaniards in 1625. By the Dutch in 1637. By the French 1793, and again by the Dutch in the same year.

BREST.—Besieged by Julius Cæsar B.C. 54. Possessed by the English, A.D. 1378. Given up 1391. Lord Berkely and a British force repulsed here, with terrible loss, in 1694. Here was the French fleet rendezvous, which was afterwards defeated by Lord Howe, 1st June, 1794.

BRETIGNY, PEACE OF.—Between France and England, ending in the release of King John, who was then a prisoner in London, May 8th, 1360.

BRIAR’S CREEK, BATTLE OF.—One of the battles between the revolted Americans and the British, in 1779. The former, under General Ashe, 2000 strong, were totally defeated by the English, under General Prevost, March 16th, 1779. Again, 3rd May following, another defeat happened to the Americans.
