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Page Beatrice Gate 94 Church Gate and Avenue 136 Cross Market and Street Views (facing the Title-page) Dispensary and Public Baths 118 Free Grammar School (facing) 107 Griddle Gate 137 New Gate 93 National Schools 113 Oswestry Castle (from an ancient drawing belonging to an inhabitant of Dudleston) (facing) ssss1 The Old Chapel 155 Parish Church (facing) ssss1 Powis Market, Guildhall, and Bailey Head (facing) 103 St. Oswald’s Well 190 Trinity Church 148



Brynkinalt (facing) 243 Chirk Castle (facing) 244 Halston (facing) 249 Llanymynech Church 255 Park Hall (facing) 263 Porkington (facing) 266 Selattyn Church 271 Whittington Castle (facing) 281 Wynnstay (facing) 287

History of Oswestry.


A celebrated writer has said, that “History is philosophy teaching by example.” Local History was doubtless included in the reflection of the distinguished essayist, when he penned the memorable sentence, which has for years past been adopted as a national maxim. In Local History we have handed down to us facts and fiction, both grave and gay; traditions and customs illustrative of popular habits and manners; records of national edicts and social laws; municipal mandates, and parochial practice; doleful notes of superstition and ignorance, with gratifying statistics of the progress of truth and enlightenment; pleasing reports of the advancement of science and art, mechanical ingenuity, and industrial pursuits; and, speaking comprehensively, with a keen glance at the past, we descry enough, in the chequered examples of byegone times, to help us on in wisdom’s ways.