Читать книгу The Protocols and World Revolution. Including a Translation and Analysis of the "Protocols of the Meetings of the Zionist Men of Wisdom" онлайн

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Dedicated to the small herd of Christ

“Ye, brethren, do not remain in the dark so that the day (of the Lord) shall not catch ye as thieves.” (I Sol. 5, 4.)

“He who suffers to the end shall be saved.” (Matt. 24, 13.)


Part One

Introductory Statement


The world is in the midst of a crisis not less serious than that of the great war. While it was inevitable that the period following the war should be fraught with grave problems for civilization, these problems have been made much more difficult by the presence of a new danger, namely, the destructive force of Bolshevism. Russia was the first victim of what proves to be a movement of an international character, Russia being used as the base of operations. While powerful Bolshevist armies are overrunning Asia and menacing the European countries to the West, an equally dangerous force of Red propagandists, directed from Moscow, is operating on several continents, spreading its social poison throughout the world and threatening the destruction of the social and industrial morale of civilized nations.
