Читать книгу The Protocols and World Revolution. Including a Translation and Analysis of the "Protocols of the Meetings of the Zionist Men of Wisdom" онлайн

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The air of confidence with which Trotzky and other Jewish leaders are proceeding with their drastic program in Russia is significant. Significant, also, is the enthusiastic support which is being given to the Soviet rule by various Jewish elements and groups outside of Russia. Whether this co-related movement of the Jews in support of Bolshevism is not being carried out on some concerted plan is a question of importance which warrants careful study and investigation. No facts which can possibly throw light upon this question should be disregarded. For this reason it is timely to consider the contents and origin of a document of extraordinary interest which, though made public in Russia some fifteen years ago, is generally unknown elsewhere.

The document referred to is entitled, “Protocols of the Meetings of the Zionist Men of Wisdom,” and was published for the first time in 1905 at Tsarskoje Selo in a Russian book entitled “The Great in the Little,” written by Serge Nilus, a well-known Russian author. The Protocols set forth a comprehensive program for the substantial destruction of all Christian states, and propose certain practical methods for achieving world domination by the Jewish nation. So far as is known, the Protocols have never been repudiated publicly by recognized Jewish authorities. Quite recently the well-known firm of Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., printers for the British Government, published a pamphlet under the title, “The Jewish Peril, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.” In the preface of this pamphlet it is explained that the Protocols referred to were translated from the Russian into English from Serge Nilus’s book which appeared in Russia in 1905. While the editors do not give the title of Nilus’s book, they say:
