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“Did they have another canoe?” asked Henry, presently.

“I couldn’t find any, and I looked pretty carefully.”

“In that case, they won’t be able to follow us very readily.”

“They won’t know where to look for us, in this darkness, Henry. The question is, where are we going? I know nothing of this river, do you?”

“I do not, but I imagine it flows into the Allegheny or the Ohio.”

“If it will take us to the fort, that is just where we want to go.”

They talked the matter over, and decided to keep on the river at least for a few miles further. Then they would go ashore, make themselves as comfortable as possible, and wait for daylight to appear.

“If the sun comes out we can climb a tall tree and get the lay of the land,” said Dave. “Or, I can climb it alone, since your ankle is hurt. How does it feel now?”

“No worse,” answered his cousin. “I think if I can keep off it for a few hours it will be all right again. But it was a pretty bad twist.”

“Do you notice that the river seems to be growing narrower?” said Dave, after a short spell of silence.
