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“I am content to be here,” said Shems-ud-dìn firmly. “Once have I sinned in forsaking the path God showed me. I will not sin that sin a second time.”

“But Allah pity! What can a man of thy wealth and attainments do in a place like this? It is not a place one could beautify for a wonder and a byword. I myself have had that dream: to change a desert to a paradise. But what can a man like thee do here?”

“He can live in peace; he can teach the people; he can ply his trade in the bazaar. As for my wealth, I have no need for all of it. When thou regainest Istanbûl, sell all I possess, and take the half of the proceeds to thyself, sending me the other half. I shall give thee letters to my steward and also to the heads of the learned. Thy need is greater than mine.”

“Allah, look! It is a child—a foolish child!” cried Milhem loudly; but he was somewhat moved from opposition to his brother’s scheme. “Thou talkest of peace. Remember yesterday. That is nothing—a trifle—a mere beginning.... Peace forsooth! Nay, my soul fears grave danger for thee.”
