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“Now, you’re doing the very thing I warned you against,” Tim protested vigorously. “I told you that wartime was no time for any philosophy business.”

“And I agreed with you,” Phil responded. “You win. Come on and we’ll get that fallen foe and hustle ’im back behind the lines. We’ll take him any way you say.”

The two boys leaped out of their shallow “trenchettes” and picked up the boche and carried him almost gently ten or fifteen feet to the rear. Just then two relief men dashed up, laid the wounded man on a stretcher and hustled him away.

“Bloodthirsty Tim listened to reason that time,” Phil told himself.

“I drove some common sense into Phil’s head,” Timothy mused. “I hope he keeps it and he’ll make a better soldier.”




Early the next morning a squadron of aeroplanes flew over the American lines dropping bombs and doing considerable damage. But it was not long before they were met by a score of Allied planes, which poured into them such a fusillade of machine-gun bullets that two of them dived to the ground with a crash and the others were driven back behind their own lines.
