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8. When did Kansas cease to be an Indian country?




The Year 1854 an Important Date.

Territorial Kansas.

Attitude of the North and the South Toward Slavery.

The Missouri Compromise, 1820.

Slavery Trouble Brings on the Civil War.

The Conflict Brought into Kansas in 1854.

The Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 1854.

Reception of the Bill.

Result of the Bill.

Indians Removed from Kansas Lands.


For many years there had been bitter feeling between the North and the South on the slavery question. In 1820 the Missouri Compromise was passed. This measure provided that all the Louisiana Purchase lying north of the southern boundary of Missouri, except Missouri itself, should be forever free. This agreement was observed until the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill in 1854. This bill provided that the settlers of each of these territories should decide whether it was to be made slave or free. Each side was determined to win Kansas, and as a result the slavery struggle was brought here. In order to make room for settlers the Indians were moved to Indian Territory, now known as Oklahoma.
